A series of shrines created in 2015, venerating the abject and mundane effluence of life.Each work invited the audience to contribute a part of themselves or discard something on their person. The works are remeniscent of a pilgrims journey of abstinence and material rejection as they visit stations along their pilgrimage. The works, being mostly constructed of discarded materials themselves, bring this journey to an overwhelmingly artificial and materially abundant world.

Spit Shrine
Pastel on paper with fabric, expanding foam and duct tape on cardboard box
Included is participant’s spit, where they were encouraged to spit on the drawn face

Vomit Shrine
Oil on metallic paper with rhinestones, foil and expanding foam on cardboard box
Including participant’s vomit, collected prior to the exhibition

Trash Shrine
Oil on paper with polythylene bag and gold leaf on cardboard box
Including participants’ discarded rubbish collected throughout the opening

Nail Shrine
Oil on board with fabric, mesh bag, foil and expanding foam on cardboard box with nail clippers

Nail Shrine (detail)
Included are nail clippings, collected from participants throughout the opening

Hair Shrine
OIl on dish rag with acrylic and synthetic hair on cardboard box and scissors
Including participants’ hair collected throughout the opening

Drug Shrine
Oil on panel with acrylic, expanding foam and tissue paper on cardboard box
Including found pills, chewing gum, marijuana